This is a new Year to first of all, Get closer to God (Thanks for your help Ruth), lose weight, become a better wife, mother, and giver.
I have a plan to get most of these things accomplished, but losing weight and giving more is going to be tough. I would LOVE to be able to give my 10% to God, but certain things get in the way. My plan so far, is to give of what I make financially, which is not near so much. I am hoping to find a better way and communicate to my husband effectively on how I want us to use our money this year. Sometimes it's used quite frivolously (not on purpose). We just have a bit of greed to get through.
2nd of all, I really need to join the weight-loss program at church again because I need that accountability that I have in Bible Study with Ruth. I have the exercize partnership with Mary, but I need a little more, such as a program to do with somebody or finding a way to join 4F. Chad works SO much and there is no babysitting for the event on Monday nights. (sigh) Sparkpeople online is not working enough because it's like communicating with virtual people on the internet and I don't KNOW them. It's hard to find that push and encouragement that I need in a person that I can actually SEE.
I have started going to a marriage class and AM going to Mothers of Pre-schoolers during the morning session. I feel closer to the moms during the day because I am a SAHM, versus moms that work full-time. (although Jen, Heidi,Stephanie, and Susan are so easy to talk to.) Susan Wakefield is a GREAT mentor!!
I know I will be able to get closer with Emily, Traci, and Justine being in the marriage class. They may not have kids, but they are super fun to hang with and we get a chance to talk and be together without kids.
Tricia, my neighbor, have so much in common and we are becoming good friends fast! We have a lot in common. She has 3 kids, I WANT 3 kids(especially a girl), and we could talk forever!! She is always there for me and is super nice! I'm not exactly sure if she is a Christian yet, but she says she, "has her faith". I am hoping that I can talk to her, build a friendship, and talk about the Lord with her when the time is right. I am hoping that I can stand up for my faith and not be ashamed.
My best friend Ruth is super awesome and even though I can't see her often, she is such an encourager and faithful friend. I can't wait to grow in the Lord better with her. Who can find such a faithful friend? Jesus IS of course, but its always nice to share such a close friendship in a shaky world and share our struggles with life, marriage, amd motherhood. I am blessed FOREVER!
Last but not least, I enjoy spending time with my husband, EVEN shopping with him in Walmart!! HA! I don't get to see him often, but it's so nice to have family time, dates (yes, even at home), and even watching TV for the night. I want to be better in my communication with him. I don't want to nag him, but I want to be as straightforward as possible so that he can "think" about what I have to say without getting snippy or mad. Taking care of the family is VERY important to him and making him feel special and appreciated is my priority. I don't want to irritate him or make him feel as less of a person, so wording things better is essential!! I know Joan can help me through that and I am so glad that she decided to "take on the class" with her husband. I pray that God will bless them over and over again this year.
That's it!