Troy has had a great time in school. I appreciate the fact that he is having fun with his friends as they watch the polar express and the origianal (as they call it) Christmas story (without Jesus). I know that schools can't and won't push Christianity because it will offend people. I don't like that at all, but what are you gonna do? That's the world today right?
Today, I asked the teacher how his day went and she said the kids liked the movie and that Troy and his friends played reindeer today. She also went on to talk about the Christmas story and said she hopes that the children will truly believe in Santa. I knew she meant well, but that comment kind of disturbed me a little. As much as I think the whole "Santa thing" is cute, that's NOT what I want Troy to think about this season.
I want to make sure that my boys know what Christmas is REALLY all about. Not presents, not Santa, but Jesus who truly loves them, died for them, and wants to live in their hearts. Jesus is the reason why there's love and gift-giving.
They are going to learn so much in school that I don't agree with, but I pray that they will come to know Jesus and find their hope in him.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the whole delight with Santa. St Nick was a good guy and was caring. There is a picture that my Grandma would have hanging on the wall at her house. It was Santa coming to visit babY Jesus and bowing down to Him. How tremendous is that?? Now that's what it's all about!
Merry Christmas Everyone!