Troy had his surgery yesterday on both his eyes. Doctor Awner, who specializes in this type of surgery worked on him. He adjusted the muscle in both eyes so that they wouldn't wander and so Troy could see better out of his left eye.
He woke up scared to death, but soon calmed down once I got to his bedside. He yelled out a big "I love you" and it just broke my heart! I really thank God for my little guy. As I was at his bedside stroking his hair and holding his hand, I started feeling faint. It was probably a combination of things. Emotions, not enough to eat, the hospital smells, seeing him like this..... The nurse noticed and took care of me. Everything turned out fine, and Troy is bouncing back nice!
I really have a nervous time driving in the city and I almost ran into the back of a car that was in a funeral procession. Crazy!! It was also snowy out. I was thanking God that He brought us back safely. I was also thankful that my mother-in-law came with me and we were able to have some time together. We certainly have our differences, and I have to watch my attitude, but it was nice to have the company. She really takes care of my family.
I am getting ready to send out my Christmas cards early as I will be really busy from here on out. The season of Christmas excites me. I watched the Nativity Story a few days ago. It was so touching! In my group Prodigy, we are learning about Mary and what she must have felt about herself, her family, and about Jesus. What a strong and deserving woman!! The story of Jesus' birth leaves me in awe! I am so glad that God sent Jesus for me!
Happy Christmas Season!
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